
张晓东 教授,美国俄亥俄州立大学

zhang at cse dot ohio-state dot edu

Zhang Xiaodong is a Robert M. Critchfield Chair Professor at The Ohio State University and Director of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. His research direction is data and storage management in computers and distributed systems. Some of the core algorithms and system designs he has led to research have been widely applied to commercial processors, as well as major operating systems, database systems, and large distributed systems, effectively optimizing or updating some of key technologies of the computer and network storage and processing systems. 

Zhang Xiaodong received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Technology and a doctorate in computer science from University of Colorado in the United States. He received the 2011 Outstanding Alumni Award for Engineering and Applied Science. He also won the 2010 China Computer Society Award for Outstanding Overseas Contribution. He is Fellow of the International Computer Society (ACM) and Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

张晓东是美国俄亥俄州立大学的Robert M. Critchfield 讲席教授,并担任计算机科学与工程系主任。他的研究方向是计算机和分布式系统中的数据和存储管理。他主持研究的一些核心算法和系统设计已被广泛应用到商业处理器,以及主要操作系统、数据库系统和大型的分布式系统中,有效地优化或更新了计算机和网络存储和处理系统中的一些关键技术。 

张晓东在北京工业大学获电气工程学士学位,在美国科罗拉多大学获计算机科学博士学位,并获得该校2011年度工程与应用科学的杰出校友奖。他还获得2010年中国计算机学会海外杰出贡献奖。他是国际计算机学会(ACM)Fellow, 也是国际电气电子工程师学会 (IEEE) Fellow。 


地址:安徽省合肥市蜀山区黄山路443号     电话:0551-63603804         
