时间 | 主讲人 | 论文题目 | 附件 | 会议/期刊 |
| 万嘉诚 | Performance modeling on DaVinci AI core | 季扬-精读.pptx 季扬-精读报告.pdf | MICRO 2023 |
2024.1.30 | 丁伯尧 | Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven Context Tunneling | OOPSLA2018 Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven.pptx Precise and Scalable Points-to Analysis via Data-Driven Context Tunneling.pdf | OOPLAS 2018 |
2024.1.30 | 万嘉诚 | AGO: Boosting Mobile AI Inference Performance by Removing Constraints on Graph Optimization | AGO汇报.pptx AGO精度报告.pdf | INFOCOM 2023 |
2024.1.23 | 杨天峰 | BladeDISC: Optimizing Dynamic Shape Machine Learning Workloads via Compiler Approach | BladeDISC.pptx 精读报告.docx | PACM 2023 |
2024.1.23 | 王天宸 | FLAT: An Optimized Dataflow forMitigating Attention Bottlenecks | FLAT__An_Optimized_Dataflow_forMitigating_Attention_Bottlenecks.pptx 王天宸 精读报告.pdf | ASPLOS 2023 |
2024.1.9 | 邓皓苧 | QuCT: A Framework for Analyzing Quantum Circuit by Extracting Contextual and Topological Features | 阅读组会分享.pptx 邓皓苧精读报告.pdf | MICRO 2023 |
2024.1.2 | 唐富根 | Who goes first? detecting go concurrency bugs via message reordering | GFUZZ.pptx 唐富根精读报告.pdf | ASPLOS 2022 |
2023.12.26 | 梁运龙 | Adaptive query compilation in graph databases | 精读报告(1).docx Adaptive query compilation in graph databases.pptx | DPD 2023 |
2023.12.19 | 孙策 | DONGLE: Direct FPGA-Orchestrated NVMe Storage for HLS | DONGLE Direct FPGA-Orchestrated NVMe Storage for HLS.pptx 精读报告(2).pdf | FPGA 2023 |
2023.12.12 | 徐柴俊 | Summarizing semantic graphs: a survey | VLDB2019_Summarizing_semantic_graphs——a_survey.pptx VLDB2019_Summarizing_semantic_graphs——a_survey精读报告.pdf | VLDB 2019 |
2023.12.5 | 李清伟
| Collecting Cyclic Garbage across Foreign Function Interfaces | 2023-12-5-李清伟阅读组会精读报告.pdf yamazaki2023collectingcyclicgarbage.pptx | PLDI 2023 |
2023.11.21 | 胡海蓉 | Representation Learning of Knowledge Graphs with Hierarchical Types | IJCAI16-RLofKG.pptx 精读报告.docx | IJCAI 16 |
2023.11.14 | 黄庄湫 | Eventful Transformers: Leveraging Temporal Redundancy in Vision Transformers | ICCV2023_Eventful_Transformers.pptx | ICVC 2023 |
2023.11.7 | 陈金宝 | Static analysis for efficient hybrid information-flow control | 20231107精读-cjb.pdf csf2011-hybrid.pptx | CFS2011 |
2023.10.31 | 王顺洪 | Optimization Techniques for GPU Programming | Optimization Techniques for GPU Programming.pdf |
2023.10.24 | 陈铭瑜 | Source Matching and Rewriting for MLIR Using String-Based Automata | 20232024-精读-cmy.docx |
2023.10.17 | 刘硕 | HAOTuner: A Hardware Adaptive Operator Auto-Tuner for Dynamic Shape Tensor Compilers | HaoTuner.pptx | TS'23 |
2023.10.10 | 赖民信 | Ada3D : Exploiting the Spatial Redundancy with Adaptive Inference for Efficient 3D Object Detection | 阅读组会231010-Ada3D.pptx 阅读报告231010-ICCV23Ada3D.docx | ICCV 23 |
2023.9.26 | 李永尚 | A Synthesis Framework for Stitching Surface Code with Superconducting Quantum Devices | 20230928论文阅读报告-lys.pdf | ASPLOS 22 |
2023.9.19 | 龚磊 | nuPlan: A closed-loop ML-based planning benchmark for autonomous vehicles | 论文阅读报告-gl.pdf |
2023.9.12 | 胡明哲 | Python: The Full Monty A Tested Semantics for the Python Programming Language | report.pdf slides.ppt |
2023.8.3 | 万嘉诚 | EinNet: Optimizing Tensor Programs with Derivation-Based Transformations | EINNet.pptx |
2023.7.21 | 彭浩然 | Verifying Determinism in Sequential Programs | 阅读组会-Verifying_Determinism_in_Sequential_Programs-彭浩然.pdf | ICSE 2021 |
2023.7.14 | 夏迎庆 | Generating and Characterizing Scenarios for Safety Testing of Autonomous Vehicles | Generating and Characterizing Scenarios for Safety Testing of Autonomous Vehicles.pptx | IV 2021 |
2023.7.7 | 丁伯尧 | Points-to Analysis using BDDs | Points-to Analysis using BDDs.pptx | PLDI 03 |
2023.6.29 | 胡海蓉 | PG-Keys: Keys for Property Graphs | PG-Keys.pptx | SIGMOD 21 |
2023.6.15 | 胡明哲 | 工作介绍:多语言软件的程序分析 | 2023-06-15_阅读组会-工作介绍_HMZ.pptx |
2023.6.8 | 龚磊 | Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving | 龚磊-Anomaly detection in autonomous driving_20230608132148.pdf |
2023.6.1 | 谭泽霖 | ZeroQ: A Novel Shot Quantization Framework | ZeroQ.pptx | CVPR 2020 |
2023.5.25 | 刘硕 | 深度学习编译工作报告 | 刘硕-工作介绍.pptx |
2023.5.18 | 王顺洪 | Graphene: An IR for Optimized Tensor Computations on GPUs | Hagedorn2023Graphene.pptx | ASPLOS 2023 |
2023.5.11 | 陈金宝 | Spindle: Informed Memory Access Monitoring | atc18-spindle-mem-access.pptx | ATC 2018 |
2023.5.4 | 赖民信 | PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training | narayanan19PipeDream(1).pptx | ASPLOS |
| 陈铭瑜 | 量子编译工作介绍 | cmy-工作介绍.pptx |
2023.4.20 | 黄庄湫 | VELTAIR: Towards High-Performance Multi-tenant Deep Learning Services via Adaptive Compilation and Scheduling | ASPLOS2022_VELTAIR.pptx | ASPLOS |
2023.4.13 | 翟祎
| 张量程序调优工作报告 | 工作报告.pptx |
2023.4.6 | 黄奕桐 | 面向深度学习的计算调度和内存优化
| 2023-04-06-工作介绍.pptx |
2023.3.30 | 万嘉诚 | Optimus: An Operator Fusion Framework for Deep Neural Networks | Optimus.pptx | TECS |
2023.3.23 | 彭浩然 | GoN2Free工作介绍 | GoN2Free系统工作介绍.pptx |
2023.3.16 | 夏迎庆 | Standardized Max Logits: A Simple yet Effective Approach for Identifying Unexpected Road Obstacles in Urban-Scene Segmentation | ICCV2021_SML.pptx | ICCV 2021 |
2023.3.9 | 李永尚 | 量子编译工作介绍 | 李永尚工作介绍.pptx |
2023.3.2 | 丁伯尧 | 编译运行时系统的整体性介绍 | 2023-3-2 个人工作介绍(1).pptx |
2023.2.23 | 黄奕桐 | TelaMalloc: Efficient On-Chip Memory Allocation for Production Machine Learning Accelerators | 2023-02-23-TelaMalloc.pptx | ASPLOS 2023 |
2023.2.16 | 胡海蓉 | Modern Techniques for Querying Graph-Structured Relations: Foundations, System Implementations, and Open Challenges | Ranked Enumeration of Join Queries with Projections.pptx | VLDB |
| 赖民信 | Looking Beyond GPUs for DNN Scheduling on Multi-Tenant Clusters | 阅读组会230208-osdi22mohan.pptx | OSDI 22 |
2023.2.2 | 谭泽霖 | INFaaS: Automated Model-less Inference Serving | IFaaS 谭泽霖 2023春季学期负四周阅读组会精读.pptx |
2023.1.12 | 陈金宝 | An Empirical Study of Blockchain System Vulnerabilities: Modules, Types, and Patterns | ESEC_FSE2022_blockchain_cve.pptx | ESEC/FSE 2022 |
2023.1.5 | 黄庄湫 | ValueExpert: Exploring Value Patterns in GPU-Accelerated Applications | ASPLOS2022_ValueExpert.pptx | ASPLOS 2022 |